
The "new" Museum awaits you

Eager to discover the new look of the Natural History Museum, nine Cosy Hotels employees had the privilege of visiting one of La Rochelle's most emblematic cultural sites on 9 November. With winter just around the corner and the €2 voucher (reducing the entrance ticket price from €8 to €6) offered by our hotel when you stay with us, it's your turn to dive into this unique world of 10,000 treasures...

The oldest museum in La Rochelle, the Museum of Natural Historyde La Rochelle offers, over 5 levels and in 32 rooms, a fabulous voyage around the sciences by exposing nearly 10 000 objects stemming from the naturalist and ethnographic collections gathered since the XVIIIth century.e Located just a stone's throw from our hotel, the Museum has benefited from 15 months of renovation work to give it a facelift. The various areas accessible to the public have been given a facelift to make them more modern and interactive, with a smoother flow of movement and views. While the activity room has been completely reconfigured to provide a more welcoming environment, the courtyard has also been redesigned so that visitors can make the most of the garden adjoining the building, which has stood here for three centuries.

On view until next autumn, two exhibitions are sure to leave a lasting impression: Attraction, stories of encounters, which provides answers to questions about what drives us towards others, and This is not a maskWe invite you all year round to explore these places of identity, and families will be particularly spoilt for choice during the forthcoming Christmas holidays, with special events for the very young. Make the most of it with your children!

Information and bookings: www.museum.larochelle.fr